that I like to call the luxury of failure, I have learned that poor man by WE Coyote. He feels, try again, do not give up, do not give up (despite the hunger that fucking ha), without actually ever taking it. The asshole of Road Runner.
I thought today, in a world where progress and technology are making life as close to perfection there can be few people could afford this luxury, as, more or less everyone, fields with us what he does. Or rather, with what we earn by doing what he does.
The evaluation criterion is always that of excellence, of the things that work, they sell, making audience. As if the coyote had to remove the sense of hunger and eating cans and cactus only because they said with some conviction that they are delicious.
Fear of failure stops, by setting aside ideas-want-projects before they even thought of them-want-imagined. The decision funseto falls on the heads of those who deviate from the ideal of life that you have cleverly mixed and sold.
you do believe that there is the possibility of a color image: and so they are all gray, uniform, big concrete blocks, the same size, same area, same perimeter.

I will conceive a more mental space 'for the large failure, a neuron that take responsibility for this difficult task even more difficult in the country in which we live. A country that has no yard.
And then, the bankruptcy absolve you from regret: you know you did, maybe bad, maybe not as you wanted, not wanted (although Benpensano Those assholes and I do not Fucking damn then, by the way). And the next time will be better, maybe write down the errors, you've already a bit 'scabs here and there.
successes, as opposed to failures, are your greatest pride, and ecstasy supreme sublime moments that punctuate the stages of life, epiphanies memories with a wry smile, this time gliel'hai you who put in the ass, to life in the best case it is those three or four things that not think I have done but you did and you have managed well (I think which should be a duty and personal existential able to do something cool, but really cool, without failure attached - however the premise that no one ever fregherà a shit what you can do that well, unless you come ; out a crazy stuff like the invention of the telephone or internet).
The main difference is that success, once achieved, you will forget, run away, they remain a faint memory in the memory in the medium term, however for the failures is not really always the case. The ones you remember them well, remain impressed: they give you a moment of suffering, if you will, but also of breath, they teach you things. It 's just that, designed in this way, you should take a little' less seriously, why can not it. And consider that, ultimately, what ever happen? We got up and again, again if necessary.
Pero ', with regard to the Coyote is to design an exception: I hope that for once and take it, asshole. Whether he deserves it, come on. Even if the cartoon ends (and I do not wish, but recognize that it is necessary to consider his hunger as a priority compared to my fun, poor).
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