When do the cleaning of drawers becomes nostalgic. That is, forever.
E 'success.
That thing I wrote in my previous post.
found myself thinking of the billions of roads that would take our lives, but that did not take because we had to choose one.
is probably also the wrong one.
(Maybe not exactly the most shit we could do, but at a level that approaches the comuque well).
The crux of the matter is the timing: when you so important to choose these things, you're not in a position because your cognitive efforts are still directed to complete the 'Panini sticker album.
If only you could wait a second and think about it, see how things develop, what skills you have and which ones you really like to have, but you'd better leave this alone.
growth expectations, a moment. Here, so I think it will avoid a lot of choices of shit, tribulations, and hardships of yearning.
Life has two reverse directions. As time goes on you learn what you should know and do in the time ahead.
With all this advance and the rush, not easy.
Jump to know you.
While there are that I clean a drawer, I find the Fabriano A4.
drawings, dated 2002-2003.
absolutely do not remember having made them.
I forgot that once - long time ago - I loved to draw. And we lost the night.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Why Is My Nose Clogged Every Time I Wake Up?
Heraclitus, when he said that "everything flows", he knew what he was saying. Inconsistencies
Every human being is inevitably pushed the need to leave an indelible mark of its passage. A sign
unique, personal, tangible and eternal as possible. What is a painting, a book, engraving, writing a sentence, a song, a portrait.
There comes a time in life when there is urgent need to express the deepest part of us, that nobody knows. And this time usually coincides with the feeling that something is missing, something missing and unable to see the whole scene. As if
always lacked a decisive issue for the completion: we feel a constant longing for what 'that we can not know, we can not understand or prove with certainty. At what 'that we can not have, since the possession is only a perfect illusion of human attachment to the ephemeral, to the changing. All 'uncertain. And that confuses and frightens us. It makes us helpless to the lowest level.
How many times I hear the flow of life and I regret that I am using only one of many roads, only a choice of n the face of daily choices that life calls us to do. And all the choice is not irreversibly into oblivion in the world of ideas.
If I think of the streets, at crossroads, in coincidences, the insights, I can not imagine how many different ways it can build its own road, but for fear, at times, does not it has the courage. Thus wasting precisely the possibility that more could be happy with.
This is the good fortune to those who, like me, was cared for, nurtured, grew up and had the opportunity to study, to raise their hands to choose. The choice is
, luxury to leave, too. Elsewhere. Where could be given the capacity. Where someone would be willing to teach what we know and that would be important to know. Where could you give it a try. And also maybe someone willing to help. Never know. As a child I believed that
adulthood decreed, as an imaginary goal, the achievement of all those features on the wisdom, justice, virtue, courage, the ability to do the right thing. Growing up I learned that no, not automatic: the age is not a teacher of life in absolute terms. It depends on where you went. From what we've put heart and soul of what you heard, how many answers you are getting more and more by how many questions you got. Why is that, what really counts. Being present to oneself, to think about things. Ask. Listen. Observe.
Wisdom does not come from ancient suffering we have perhaps forgotten but that our soul has learned something? And yet, with regard to the speech love: not that we do not believe in love, I'd be mad. Love is a pure sentiment, when analyzed in its being as such. And it is the engine of 'universe.
Love becomes a source of suffering when it is binding. E 'in the love of couples that I find it difficult to invest. Just do not think that you can choose each other once and for all so unique, because of the finiteness of the limited and physicality of our bodies and the world in which we live. The mind continually generates new desires. I do not envy those who are married because you're married, now, in the present moment, but I envy the current belief of them - placed in a tie - looking to the future.
"I am a friend of the people uncertain, confused, small trying to understand and that is always nello stato di uno che non ha capito. Sono molto amico della gente che ha paura. L'impermanenza è legge universale e la vita è un enigma refrattario a qualunque volontà di potenza: soltanto alla fine del tragitto ci si accorge di come non fosse affatto chiara la ragione di tutto il nostro affanno".
E. Sottsass
Then, as in any crude analysis, there is a distinction between those who try to understand them, things, and who's not. Among those able to love and who's not. But this is a 'different story.
Every human being is inevitably pushed the need to leave an indelible mark of its passage. A sign
unique, personal, tangible and eternal as possible. What is a painting, a book, engraving, writing a sentence, a song, a portrait.
There comes a time in life when there is urgent need to express the deepest part of us, that nobody knows. And this time usually coincides with the feeling that something is missing, something missing and unable to see the whole scene. As if
always lacked a decisive issue for the completion: we feel a constant longing for what 'that we can not know, we can not understand or prove with certainty. At what 'that we can not have, since the possession is only a perfect illusion of human attachment to the ephemeral, to the changing. All 'uncertain. And that confuses and frightens us. It makes us helpless to the lowest level.
How many times I hear the flow of life and I regret that I am using only one of many roads, only a choice of n the face of daily choices that life calls us to do. And all the choice is not irreversibly into oblivion in the world of ideas.

This is the good fortune to those who, like me, was cared for, nurtured, grew up and had the opportunity to study, to raise their hands to choose. The choice is
, luxury to leave, too. Elsewhere. Where could be given the capacity. Where someone would be willing to teach what we know and that would be important to know. Where could you give it a try. And also maybe someone willing to help. Never know. As a child I believed that
adulthood decreed, as an imaginary goal, the achievement of all those features on the wisdom, justice, virtue, courage, the ability to do the right thing. Growing up I learned that no, not automatic: the age is not a teacher of life in absolute terms. It depends on where you went. From what we've put heart and soul of what you heard, how many answers you are getting more and more by how many questions you got. Why is that, what really counts. Being present to oneself, to think about things. Ask. Listen. Observe.
Wisdom does not come from ancient suffering we have perhaps forgotten but that our soul has learned something? And yet, with regard to the speech love: not that we do not believe in love, I'd be mad. Love is a pure sentiment, when analyzed in its being as such. And it is the engine of 'universe.
Love becomes a source of suffering when it is binding. E 'in the love of couples that I find it difficult to invest. Just do not think that you can choose each other once and for all so unique, because of the finiteness of the limited and physicality of our bodies and the world in which we live. The mind continually generates new desires. I do not envy those who are married because you're married, now, in the present moment, but I envy the current belief of them - placed in a tie - looking to the future.
"I am a friend of the people uncertain, confused, small trying to understand and that is always nello stato di uno che non ha capito. Sono molto amico della gente che ha paura. L'impermanenza è legge universale e la vita è un enigma refrattario a qualunque volontà di potenza: soltanto alla fine del tragitto ci si accorge di come non fosse affatto chiara la ragione di tutto il nostro affanno".
E. Sottsass
Then, as in any crude analysis, there is a distinction between those who try to understand them, things, and who's not. Among those able to love and who's not. But this is a 'different story.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Baby Wipes Or Feminine
Abituali Appellants.
One thing I do not understand.
Those who think that yes, I would like to believe in karma, reincarnation, there will be another life, yeah maybe. Though. I'm skeptical. But ... if we really were. Eh, maybe. I could redeem some of my failures, claim any of my rights, make someone of my dreams, look for cancelation of the biggest regrets and have, in conclusion, some of my less frustration. "Edit" button of the current stuff. Another possibility, say.
Now, if you like, I think you can easily do it. With a certain equanimity.
not like to walk around to argue that killing is not a crime, or swearing in church is an act of good taste. Here, on these things, I would go slower. Instead, in the field of non-tangible, there are no right or wrong ideas: the boundary is weak, it is personal, you can choose for yourself. Only.
Every human being is ready to face and believe exactly what 'that is facing and what they are thinking.
As for consistency also, there's something else that escapes me: there is angry because of the close of the stereo decibels, then screams inside his Aifon metro stop (which must still remember to someone who does not need to scream. Steve Jobs, with security, has provided equipment for speakers and microphones. GIA). There is the one that whispers instead, inside her Aifon, not to annoy the old lady sitting next to him, but if you listen well, every four words is a noun-adjective accompanied Then there is a God that is not want to hear any kind of profanity, would condemn to death those who do, then throws the litter and cigarette butts in the park cigarette on the doormat of the vintage shop behind the house. There is the one who signs the petition to protect the environment, try not to overly influence in the increase of the ozone hole, then holding his closed car pincher acid in the dog days of August. For all the time to shop, with the line at the counter on Saturday afternoon. (Okay, the pincher is strong acid, but is yours and you so are chosen. So.) Then again, what we fight for the rights of the vulnerable, the marginalized and is to blows with the first bully who calls him a fag.
I wanted to say that the karma points are not broken down by sector. No, they are cumulative. It is to do well
One thing I do not understand.
Those who think that yes, I would like to believe in karma, reincarnation, there will be another life, yeah maybe. Though. I'm skeptical. But ... if we really were. Eh, maybe. I could redeem some of my failures, claim any of my rights, make someone of my dreams, look for cancelation of the biggest regrets and have, in conclusion, some of my less frustration. "Edit" button of the current stuff. Another possibility, say.
Now, if you like, I think you can easily do it. With a certain equanimity.
not like to walk around to argue that killing is not a crime, or swearing in church is an act of good taste. Here, on these things, I would go slower. Instead, in the field of non-tangible, there are no right or wrong ideas: the boundary is weak, it is personal, you can choose for yourself. Only.
Every human being is ready to face and believe exactly what 'that is facing and what they are thinking.
As for consistency also, there's something else that escapes me: there is angry because of the close of the stereo decibels, then screams inside his Aifon metro stop (which must still remember to someone who does not need to scream. Steve Jobs, with security, has provided equipment for speakers and microphones. GIA). There is the one that whispers instead, inside her Aifon, not to annoy the old lady sitting next to him, but if you listen well, every four words is a noun-adjective accompanied Then there is a God that is not want to hear any kind of profanity, would condemn to death those who do, then throws the litter and cigarette butts in the park cigarette on the doormat of the vintage shop behind the house. There is the one who signs the petition to protect the environment, try not to overly influence in the increase of the ozone hole, then holding his closed car pincher acid in the dog days of August. For all the time to shop, with the line at the counter on Saturday afternoon. (Okay, the pincher is strong acid, but is yours and you so are chosen. So.) Then again, what we fight for the rights of the vulnerable, the marginalized and is to blows with the first bully who calls him a fag.
I wanted to say that the karma points are not broken down by sector. No, they are cumulative. It is to do well
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How To Make High School Graduation Centerpieces
Random / Ad Hoc.
In this very specific time I have a confused jumble of stuff, anachronistic, dyslexic, retro 'current and pansofiche I want to express. And they are, namely:
- You know the Smiths. There. Morrissey sings "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out." But nasty bitch, but how? There are no words. I do not know what to say. There.
- Do you know Genesis. There. L 'album Selling England by the Pound. Well. Track number three, ten minute "Firth of Fifth" . Ten minutes sublime, in which you can safely forget who you are, in addition to any space-time coordinates.
- I do not share the criticism that some newspapers (I forget where I read it to be honest) turn to Wikipedia: it is true, is incomplete, partial and sometimes fuoriviante but is also a great example of collaboration between people. You see it so often this strange thing that begins with C?
- For nearly a week has opened Barter Fool, the first swap-shop cheese.
Okay we have not Starbucks - unfortunately - but at least we can barter our stalls / frills / clothes / accessories / adoratescarpeeccecc that we no longer want or that we never wanted to have, but that-you-know-as we have. E farcene not know that. No need to go to Milan, or London (which, because Ryan is low-cost, then a little bit of expenditure is still considered a stop-by Top Shop). But as a Squadron 10, Reggio Emilia.
have already gone to bring three monsters altars, which in their bulk 'locker I had become intolerable: they seemed so beautiful before you buy ..... then .... then ... I do not know that transformation has taken place. Type one of the Gremlins, about. I have never been worn, in fact, I have always brought that sense of visceral revulsion, almost of disgust. And a great sense of guilt.
In conclusion: I left the store with a pair of vintage earrings, signed Maramotti a sheath dress and a T-shirt adidas run dry fit with labels, for my daily runs.
Here, Fabrizia Catellani Saltelli and Morena can redeem your sins from Dante's fourth circle of hell, and so all the guilt (it seems the commercial ice cream plant, oh well).
Please forward this news that we need to-know, so that the shop to take root. And then, these initiatives should be rewarded, but.
- I read an article about the D of the Republic about the new book by Andre Aciman, White Nights: I have not read it yet, but I'm going to do it. And a piece of carry-over ' interview, which particularly impressed me. The application - whether romantic love is a form of addiction treatment - every man, every woman (over 30/35 years) and every being with a high percentage of cynicism in the blood would answer that yes, it is a form of addiction treatment. Aciman respond, instead, like this: "Sure, it's an addiction, but to be honest, if we should even feed it (Eh?! Are you crazy ...?!?!). If you're lucky, lucky enough to meet someone who makes you feel completely devastated (previously, the range to figure out who will be and if there ever will be he / she who will win the title of spoiler) please, he says, feeds this addiction. Because there is nothing more important. So what if you can not to focus on your work, you can not think in a responsible manner, as long as you have found the stars or have heard this stuff early in life (I'm not sure I know what you're talking about). Many talk about the safety of everyday life, but I remember that when something like this happens it's like an explosion, and you do not want the fire go out. You do not want. At the end off. Unfortunately. "(This recognizes it too).
Anyway, I wish that Aciman was right.
- The other night I was covering Manhattan of Woody Allen and, as usual - when they are kidnapped by something beautiful so embarrassing - I found myself with that expression of boiled fish.
will che amo Woody, sarà che questo film è un capolavoro. Sarà che ho sempre l'espressione da pesce lesso, anche quando non mi osservo - e quando non sono rapita da qualcosa di bello in modo imbarazzante, ma questo, ecco, questo spezzone sì che è.........
Fate Voi.
In this very specific time I have a confused jumble of stuff, anachronistic, dyslexic, retro 'current and pansofiche I want to express. And they are, namely:
- You know the Smiths. There. Morrissey sings "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out." But nasty bitch, but how? There are no words. I do not know what to say. There.
- Do you know Genesis. There. L 'album Selling England by the Pound. Well. Track number three, ten minute "Firth of Fifth" . Ten minutes sublime, in which you can safely forget who you are, in addition to any space-time coordinates.
- I do not share the criticism that some newspapers (I forget where I read it to be honest) turn to Wikipedia: it is true, is incomplete, partial and sometimes fuoriviante but is also a great example of collaboration between people. You see it so often this strange thing that begins with C?
- For nearly a week has opened Barter Fool, the first swap-shop cheese.
Okay we have not Starbucks - unfortunately - but at least we can barter our stalls / frills / clothes / accessories / adoratescarpeeccecc that we no longer want or that we never wanted to have, but that-you-know-as we have. E farcene not know that. No need to go to Milan, or London (which, because Ryan is low-cost, then a little bit of expenditure is still considered a stop-by Top Shop). But as a Squadron 10, Reggio Emilia.
have already gone to bring three monsters altars, which in their bulk 'locker I had become intolerable: they seemed so beautiful before you buy ..... then .... then ... I do not know that transformation has taken place. Type one of the Gremlins, about. I have never been worn, in fact, I have always brought that sense of visceral revulsion, almost of disgust. And a great sense of guilt.
In conclusion: I left the store with a pair of vintage earrings, signed Maramotti a sheath dress and a T-shirt adidas run dry fit with labels, for my daily runs.
Here, Fabrizia Catellani Saltelli and Morena can redeem your sins from Dante's fourth circle of hell, and so all the guilt (it seems the commercial ice cream plant, oh well).
Please forward this news that we need to-know, so that the shop to take root. And then, these initiatives should be rewarded, but.

Anyway, I wish that Aciman was right.
- The other night I was covering Manhattan of Woody Allen and, as usual - when they are kidnapped by something beautiful so embarrassing - I found myself with that expression of boiled fish.
will che amo Woody, sarà che questo film è un capolavoro. Sarà che ho sempre l'espressione da pesce lesso, anche quando non mi osservo - e quando non sono rapita da qualcosa di bello in modo imbarazzante, ma questo, ecco, questo spezzone sì che è.........
Fate Voi.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
How Long To Remove Fibroids
Hello to all, or all .... we say that 2010 was very satisfying .... but the year 2011 will be synonymous with turning it .... I just decided this time ....
Hello to all, or all .... we say that 2010 was very satisfying .... but the year 2011 will be synonymous with turning it .... I just decided this time ....
To keep everyone happy I did a little 'to everything, but unfortunately I missed what I like most of
' type painting on rocks and the fantastic world of country I knew only a year ago ...
So I decided to drop everything and devote himself entirely to painting country, suspended transparent, decorative stones and the new super ..... this will take several months for some results, because I will start 'to attend an academy to be able to so ... will also teach the months of hard work .... but then I hope to reach my goal ... paint, for me ... but more 'what else you .... x
That said .... it is now beginning the dance of the brush
A kiss to all
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Sumeet Indian Mixy Available In Us
Pending. In an indefinite point of something not specified. (Neither specify)
's inevitable, as saying. Stop a minute and observe.
The running time (Yes I know, I always say the same things, but be patient and assecondatemi, come on). The friends who make a mess in the house until doomsday at 5 am. Seasons. The sunny days and also of heavy rain. Chats in the kitchen until late at night. The flakes of snow (which, incidentally, I would remind you of the existence of a place called Val di Fiemme). And doing it at all costs. Suffer from nostalgia. What we always like that thread of masochism. There is so well wallow in Merdin of yearning. Especially the first year. Type, around January 6, say.
L 'suspended atmosphere of this day of celebration - which is different from that Christmas, Waiting - gives a solemn and sacred truce from living. From the daily bread. That is, the long road-work-gym-home-shopping-traffic-bicchieredivinoelevato dormiresempretroppopococazzo-swimming-reading-movies-voice-sincronizzazioneiphone-pc-lavareautomotorinocostume-mail (not together, of course). Tired of just thinking. And then, the updates. I'm tired of updating everything. The tunes, applications, browser and phone. Every time you turn on your PC lets you update something and uses only half an hour to open the site of the state railways. Cheppalle.
not digress. I said, a truce. There. From duty. Doing, being and thinking. By the program. Organized. Do you realize that there are times when you can do absolutely shit and do not feel guilty. Thank God it's over Even though the water and you stay in my pajamas until eight o'clock in the evening, which had not ever happened to you this luxury. That there are not priorities such obligations, if not do what you're gonna get, right now. A cup of tea.
You have time to contemplate the pile of books that are there ready to perform their duty (and are being placed in the old section). Ppuoi go for elbowing balances, as women like it so terribly much. What thou hast certainly need something. Type that is too cool pair of boots that cost a salary, but that will be half price. It will remain a 36. Impractical for your foot. Even if you feel the same, admit it. (Okay, I have shoes of all the numbers, but at 36 there have never arrived).
The difference between men and women in terms of purchases in this example is: Department footwear. If a man has a 43, bought a 43. A maximum of 43 and a half to be sure. That puts the big socks. If the 43 is not the man did not mortify, takes a different model. And is very satisfied.
If a woman has a 39, has a cross on him. (Why 39 is already sold out early in the season, the model he wants). A woman, however, include that model. Whether it be a 38, a 40. Even 37 and 41, if you really deserve. The range is wide. Do not you will leave there, to take another hypothetical couple, more comfortable but uglier. Never.
And it is very satisfied, despite the face marked by pain / even though they lose a second step.
In these days suspended, you can write all your loved ones intentions for the new year: just start with the forum. Meanwhile. Come, participate actively in the political life of your country (though it may serve). Understand it for more than 10%. Supporting those who still plays live. Keep up to date on several possible topics. Update all wi-fi in your possession then, not to do so no longer works a dick. Read read read read. Sport. Devote time to the affections and not to things. Investing on feelings and not on things. (Also because it happens that the Moncler fuck you in the New Year. Better to take the checkered jacket with fleece averages. Or the camel-colored fleece that famous aunt gave you for Christmas, yes, that, that awesome). Prepare the boxes for the stall at the flea market the home, and do not forget to put that gilettino lurex not put on by the World '98, but you looked so handsome, before you buy. Fantasizing about summer holidays. Spend less time in social networks (because the five minutes you'd spend two hours to become facebook? Again? This fact requires a purpose designed ad hoc). Stay informed about what's happening (although, unfortunately, the news reported by newspapers different cuts on the basis). Stop spending money on shoes (after the sales, of course). Wish list Place in a shoe. To redeem the sins committed in previous lives at least watch an episode of the order: Forum, Door to Door, Beautiful, One Hundred Cabinets, GF (You will be given an instant absolution for any crime committed, as well as a free bonus for this life). Remember that all this' we say and do has an impact on the world and people around us (according to a law can not remember the name - but I agree - a philosopher I can not remember the name). Then consider the consequences and think of others, too. Develop more than the classical psychology defines as empathy. Spend time with people we love. Keep a notebook handy. And use it.
There are so many others, but I will stop here.
are trivial, as I said last night a friend. (On the subject of the blog). Ergo, the savings there.
Now I want to return to idleness suspended, the supreme and adored that I'll never know how to define. But I would not end Sunday.
's inevitable, as saying. Stop a minute and observe.
The running time (Yes I know, I always say the same things, but be patient and assecondatemi, come on). The friends who make a mess in the house until doomsday at 5 am. Seasons. The sunny days and also of heavy rain. Chats in the kitchen until late at night. The flakes of snow (which, incidentally, I would remind you of the existence of a place called Val di Fiemme). And doing it at all costs. Suffer from nostalgia. What we always like that thread of masochism. There is so well wallow in Merdin of yearning. Especially the first year. Type, around January 6, say.
L 'suspended atmosphere of this day of celebration - which is different from that Christmas, Waiting - gives a solemn and sacred truce from living. From the daily bread. That is, the long road-work-gym-home-shopping-traffic-bicchieredivinoelevato dormiresempretroppopococazzo-swimming-reading-movies-voice-sincronizzazioneiphone-pc-lavareautomotorinocostume-mail (not together, of course). Tired of just thinking. And then, the updates. I'm tired of updating everything. The tunes, applications, browser and phone. Every time you turn on your PC lets you update something and uses only half an hour to open the site of the state railways. Cheppalle.

You have time to contemplate the pile of books that are there ready to perform their duty (and are being placed in the old section). Ppuoi go for elbowing balances, as women like it so terribly much. What thou hast certainly need something. Type that is too cool pair of boots that cost a salary, but that will be half price. It will remain a 36. Impractical for your foot. Even if you feel the same, admit it. (Okay, I have shoes of all the numbers, but at 36 there have never arrived).
The difference between men and women in terms of purchases in this example is: Department footwear. If a man has a 43, bought a 43. A maximum of 43 and a half to be sure. That puts the big socks. If the 43 is not the man did not mortify, takes a different model. And is very satisfied.
If a woman has a 39, has a cross on him. (Why 39 is already sold out early in the season, the model he wants). A woman, however, include that model. Whether it be a 38, a 40. Even 37 and 41, if you really deserve. The range is wide. Do not you will leave there, to take another hypothetical couple, more comfortable but uglier. Never.
And it is very satisfied, despite the face marked by pain / even though they lose a second step.
In these days suspended, you can write all your loved ones intentions for the new year: just start with the forum. Meanwhile. Come, participate actively in the political life of your country (though it may serve). Understand it for more than 10%. Supporting those who still plays live. Keep up to date on several possible topics. Update all wi-fi in your possession then, not to do so no longer works a dick. Read read read read. Sport. Devote time to the affections and not to things. Investing on feelings and not on things. (Also because it happens that the Moncler fuck you in the New Year. Better to take the checkered jacket with fleece averages. Or the camel-colored fleece that famous aunt gave you for Christmas, yes, that, that awesome). Prepare the boxes for the stall at the flea market the home, and do not forget to put that gilettino lurex not put on by the World '98, but you looked so handsome, before you buy. Fantasizing about summer holidays. Spend less time in social networks (because the five minutes you'd spend two hours to become facebook? Again? This fact requires a purpose designed ad hoc). Stay informed about what's happening (although, unfortunately, the news reported by newspapers different cuts on the basis). Stop spending money on shoes (after the sales, of course). Wish list Place in a shoe. To redeem the sins committed in previous lives at least watch an episode of the order: Forum, Door to Door, Beautiful, One Hundred Cabinets, GF (You will be given an instant absolution for any crime committed, as well as a free bonus for this life). Remember that all this' we say and do has an impact on the world and people around us (according to a law can not remember the name - but I agree - a philosopher I can not remember the name). Then consider the consequences and think of others, too. Develop more than the classical psychology defines as empathy. Spend time with people we love. Keep a notebook handy. And use it.
There are so many others, but I will stop here.
are trivial, as I said last night a friend. (On the subject of the blog). Ergo, the savings there.
Now I want to return to idleness suspended, the supreme and adored that I'll never know how to define. But I would not end Sunday.
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