In this very specific time I have a confused jumble of stuff, anachronistic, dyslexic, retro 'current and pansofiche I want to express. And they are, namely:
- You know the Smiths. There. Morrissey sings "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out." But nasty bitch, but how? There are no words. I do not know what to say. There.
- Do you know Genesis. There. L 'album Selling England by the Pound. Well. Track number three, ten minute "Firth of Fifth" . Ten minutes sublime, in which you can safely forget who you are, in addition to any space-time coordinates.
- I do not share the criticism that some newspapers (I forget where I read it to be honest) turn to Wikipedia: it is true, is incomplete, partial and sometimes fuoriviante but is also a great example of collaboration between people. You see it so often this strange thing that begins with C?
- For nearly a week has opened Barter Fool, the first swap-shop cheese.
Okay we have not Starbucks - unfortunately - but at least we can barter our stalls / frills / clothes / accessories / adoratescarpeeccecc that we no longer want or that we never wanted to have, but that-you-know-as we have. E farcene not know that. No need to go to Milan, or London (which, because Ryan is low-cost, then a little bit of expenditure is still considered a stop-by Top Shop). But as a Squadron 10, Reggio Emilia.
have already gone to bring three monsters altars, which in their bulk 'locker I had become intolerable: they seemed so beautiful before you buy ..... then .... then ... I do not know that transformation has taken place. Type one of the Gremlins, about. I have never been worn, in fact, I have always brought that sense of visceral revulsion, almost of disgust. And a great sense of guilt.
In conclusion: I left the store with a pair of vintage earrings, signed Maramotti a sheath dress and a T-shirt adidas run dry fit with labels, for my daily runs.
Here, Fabrizia Catellani Saltelli and Morena can redeem your sins from Dante's fourth circle of hell, and so all the guilt (it seems the commercial ice cream plant, oh well).
Please forward this news that we need to-know, so that the shop to take root. And then, these initiatives should be rewarded, but.

Anyway, I wish that Aciman was right.
- The other night I was covering Manhattan of Woody Allen and, as usual - when they are kidnapped by something beautiful so embarrassing - I found myself with that expression of boiled fish.
will che amo Woody, sarà che questo film è un capolavoro. Sarà che ho sempre l'espressione da pesce lesso, anche quando non mi osservo - e quando non sono rapita da qualcosa di bello in modo imbarazzante, ma questo, ecco, questo spezzone sì che è.........
Fate Voi.
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