Thursday, February 24, 2011

Describe The Structure Of A Bean Seed

VS. (Anyway, Rock).

As supporter of the nuances of not too excessive, behold, I side on the end of the Ramones .

According to the chart there are varieties of interesting things that would do them.
Which - to be your boyfriend at 21% - steal from the rich to give to the poor (only 5%, oh well, appreciated the resolution) in the same way - to get a electroshock - sniffing glue.
I love this so their weighted divide needs.

It must be said that the need for Misfits is just one.
Radical. But without a lot. And it is a "WANT". Quite different from "would like".

After thinking for a while, there's nothing to do.
I still love more the first. What I am a romantic.
(And the second is - if we want to quibble - a tad strong for me).

Then there is that I still have this fixed idea in his head: the probability 21% as having a boyfriend.
What is not so negligible. Well, that is, one can 'begin to take on trips.


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